The Orderly Conversation

Business presentations redefined

This lunch & learn style speaking engagement is designed for everyday business presenters, managers, and leaders and focuses on helping businesspeople be more effective and efficient when delivering business presentations.

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**Sessions can be customized to meet your organization's and team's specific needs and goals.

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The Orderly Conversation

Business presentations redefined

In a perfect world, meetings and presentations would move business forward efficiently and effectively. Too often, that doesn’t happen.

You, your team, and your organization deserve something better. It’s time for a new approach, one that is practical and flexible enough to work in a variety of situations.

In this session, you’ll be challenged to rethink and unlearn outdated rules (think Speech 101) and replace them with a new set of tools based on the types of work you actually do. We define business presentations as Orderly Conversations®, a type of communication that combines a carefully organized message with flexible, spontaneous delivery. This new definition is the foundation of our approach.

This session is not about tips and tricks. Instead, it’s a serious, big-picture look at group communication. It’s about the skills and techniques you use to achieve your goal and manage the process effectively and efficiently.

We’ll examine

  • Engagement, thinking on your feet, and managing a genuine Orderly Conversation
  • Techniques to frame the conversation to provide context and relevance
  • How to prepare visuals to help you be spontaneous
  • Skills for encouraging participation in the conversation while controlling the message

Copies of The Orderly Conversation: Business Presentations Redefined may be included for each attendee.

“This session featured such good content that I can apply right away to my work. Dale and Greg were such good role models for how to facilitate a lively and enriching session.” Conference Attendee