Presenting to Leadership & Other Decision Makers

Strategies for making a compelling case effectively & efficiently

Presenting to leaders and other decision makers can be a daunting task for those unaccustomed to speaking to audiences at this level. Often, people get nervous, lose focus, and talk in circles. As if that’s not bad enough, they are reluctant to offer an opinion or recommendation at the end – leaving executives to figure it out on their own.

Executives want the bottom line. They want a strong recommendation and the rationale behind it based on their needs and objectives.

Our Presenting to Leadership & Other Decision Makers workshop helps participants understand their role as the “expert” and the dynamics of working with senior executives. We provide the skills to build more confident, professional presenters that leaders will respect – leading to more productive meetings and easier decisions.

All Turpin Workshops are highly customized to your organization's and employees' specific goals
and challenges and can be delivered on-site or virtually.

Experience Level

Low to High


Duration: 2+ days
Maximum Enrollment: 8
Number of Instructors: 2
Location: Client Site & Virtual Classroom

Degree of Coaching

High: personal coaching occurs both in the classroom and in private video review after every in-class exercise

Intended For

Anyone presenting to executives or other leaders

Presenting to Leadership & Other Decision Makers

Strategies for making a compelling case effectively and efficiently

Throughout the class, participants apply the principles of The Orderly Conversation® to their own real-life content.

Successful participants will learn to

  • Engage executives by getting to the point immediately
  • Frame their presentations using a simple organizational strategy and executive summary template
  • Manage nervousness and speak with confidence
  • Be clear, concise, and persuasive
  • Think on their feet and answer questions with ease
  • Gain self-awareness
  • Create effective visuals to support key messages (or provide clear direction to support staff)
  • Present content effectively, whether seated or standing, projected, or hard copy
  • Gain alignment and set appropriate next steps
  • Get the business of the presentation done effectively and efficiently

Attendees receive a copy of The Orderly Conversation: Business Presentations Redefined

“The training went phenomenally well. Of the four classes in the leadership program, Turpin’s was the best. Very well received.” Kevin M., Lead Leadership Development Consultant, MITRE


Additional Post-Workshop Skill-Reinforcement Options

In addition to the skill-reinforcement resources included in eCoach, consider this option:

Manager Support Program: Managers play a critical role in helping employees apply what they learn in class to the situations they face outside of it. To help managers support the learning, and when appropriate to do so, we provide guidance for setting expectations prior to the workshop and for providing support after.

Communication Training Yields Business Results

We believe that business communication training must focus on business results: making work easier, employees more successful, workplaces more cooperative, and goals more attainable.

Getting Business Done and Growing Leadership Capability: Everything we do is designed to help people get business done and grow their capabilities. While a particular workshop may focus on a specific business goal—closing a deal, making a decision, learning something new, or gaining alignment—every workshop is designed to help the participants be more comfortable, effective, and confident communicators. When employees communicate more effectively, leadership capability increases and careers advance. This brings positive results to your team and company.

Private Coaching and Video Review: Capturing learners on video as they work on their real-life content, which is followed by private video playback and coaching, is an essential element of this training. It helps workshop participants understand their natural strengths (and weaknesses). As they grow their self-awareness, they can apply what they learn in class to the variety of situations they face outside of it.