Presenting in the Virtual Environment
Transferring your face-to-face skills to the online world
Throughout this series of virtual sessions and on-demand modules, participants apply the principles of The Orderly Conversation® to their own real-life content.
Participants will learn to
- Manage nervousness and gain self-awareness
- Engage attendees in a comfortable, flexible conversation while being clear, concise, and interesting
- Use virtual tools, including video, for maximum engagement
- Frame the presentation using a simple strategy so that attendees understand direction, purpose, context, and why they should participate
- Create (or modify existing) visual aids to support key messages
- Deliver visuals effectively and manage listener focus
- Weave in stories to enhance engagement
- Think on their feet and facilitate fruitful interactions with attendees
- Lean on a host to manage technology on the back end
- Nurture relationships and be the type of person others want to meet with
- Get the business of the presentation done effectively and efficiently