Presentation Rules and Common Myths Debunked

Why Some Advice is Unhelpful and What to do Instead

Join us for this FREE webinar.

This webinar sets out to debunk stubborn presentation advice – often provided with the best of intentions – that can
do more harm than good.

Presentation Rules and Common Myths Debunked

Why Some Advice is Unhelpful and What to do Instead

Date: TBD

About this Event

When it comes to business presentations, everyone’s an expert… or so they think.

If you’ve ever been given advice that simply didn’t work for you or felt inappropriate for your situation, you’re not alone. In this webinar, we’ll debunk five of the most egregious presentation myths – often provided with the best of intentions – and replace them with real-world, practical advice that will work for whatever situation you’re in.


Who Should Attend

All business presenters and their managers


Looking for a webinar or onsite presentation tailored for your team and organization’s culture? Contact us today.


Key Learning Objectives

The myths we’ll debunk

  1. Presentations are performances
  2. There are presentation rules that everyone must obey
  3. Practice makes perfect
  4. Avoid eye contact if you’re nervous
  5. Never, ever, read your slides (the granddaddy of them all!)

By attending this webinar, you’ll walk away with

  • A redefinition of what a business presentation is
  • A method for getting yourself prepared that does not involve memorization or rehearsal
  • A technique for engaging people in a genuine conversation
  • New techniques for designing slides to function as your notes
  • Permission to break the rules and do what works for you

Regardless of where you are in your career or what types of presentations you deliver, you’ll leave this webinar with tools and advice you can put to use immediately to become a more successful and engaging presenter.


Speaker Bios

Dale Ludwig is the Founder and President of Turpin. Over the past 26 years, he and his partners have developed methodologies that challenge much of the conventional wisdom in the field. Working with presenters, facilitators and trainers, Turpin’s work (1) focuses on The Orderly Conversation® that must take place, (2) acknowledges the Default Approach that every presenter and facilitator brings to that process, and (3) helps communicators develop the skills they need to engage listeners in a productive interaction. Dale has a PhD in Communication from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a frequent blogger and is the author of the white paper “Getting Past 101,” which can be downloaded here.

Greg Owen-Boger is the EVP of Learning and Business Development. Schooled in management and the performing arts, Greg brings a diverse set of skills and experiences to the organization. He joined Turpin in 1995 as a cameraman and quickly worked his way up. He now serves as a communication trainer and coach for Turpin’s largest clients. He was the 2015 President of the Chicagoland Chapter of the Association for Talent Development. Like Dale, he is a frequent blogger and makes guest appearances at He is among many thought leaders who contributed to Master Presenter: Lessons from the World’s Top Experts on Becoming a More Influential Speaker.