Leadership Communication in the Virtual World

Executive presence & your professional brand

Every aspect of our business and personal lives has been affected by the global pandemic. Leading others in a virtual world requires communication skills that are clear, empathetic, and decisive – qualities that are both needed and craved by the people we work with.

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Leadership Communication in the Virtual World

Executive presence & your professional brand

Executive Presence, as defined by Suzanne Bates in her book, All the Leader You Can Be: The Science of Achieving Extraordinary Executive Presence, includes “the qualities of a leader that engage, inspire, align, and move people to act.”

If you are a leader (or aspiring to become one), you know that what you say and how you say it matters to those you lead. However, understanding others’ perceptions is not easy under normal circumstances and is even more difficult with the unique challenges of leading remotely.

In this webinar, we’ll help you understand how your intentions as a leader match up with perceptions. You will learn how to flex your style to gain trust, build alignment, lead change, inspire performance, and drive executional excellence.

During our 90 minutes together, we’ll weave together three meaty concepts of leadership communication and give you insights and tools to hone your unique leadership style.

Together we’ll examine the intersection of

  1. Business Communication that engages others in fruitful dialogue
  2. Professional Branding that helps you “show up” for your teams every day
  3. Executive Presence that inspires trust and stirs others to act

Key Learning Objectives

Throughout this 90-minute interactive webinar, you’ll

  • Examine what Executive Presence is and what it means for you wherever you are on your leadership journey
  • Learn to be intentional about developing your unique professional brand
  • Gain an understanding of what it takes to nurture work relationships, even when working remotely
  • Enhance your leadership communication skills with the help of Turpin’s downloadable toolkits



Attendee Feedback

“Great Webinar! Great discussion about virtual leadership, real-world challenges, and easy-to-apply solutions. Turpin is always a great resource but especially now when clear and sincere communication is critical.” Patty 

“GREAT session, very informative and useful.” Salvato

“Thank you very much; very informative and well presented!” Jacques

“This was amazing! Thank you all.” Briana