Fostering Team Collaboration from a Distance

Online team meetings done right

Virtual and hybrid meetings are now the “new normal.” But, while nearly every company today has them, managers have yet to solve the inherent challenges of collaborating from a distance. Getting in the way are things such as lack of engagement, unfocused (or missing) agendas, unclear roles and responsibilities, confusing next steps, and the lack of follow-up. Add in the need for inclusivity and avoiding micro-aggressions and proximity bias; no wonder the struggle remains to manage teams remotely. All of this has caused a breakdown in meeting productivity, leading to diminished results.

Fostering Team Collaboration at a Distance is a workshop designed for team members to attend together. The result is highly-productive team meetings that meet business objectives and get results.

All Turpin Workshops are highly customized to your organization's and employees' specific goals
and challenges and can be delivered on-site or virtually.

Experience Level

Medium to High


Duration: 4 3-hour sessions
Maximum Enrollment: 8
Number of Instructors: 2
Location: Client’s virtual platform

Degree of Coaching

High: personal coaching occurs both in the classroom and in private video review after every in-class exercise

Intended For

Remote teams

Fostering Team Collaboration from a Distance

Online team meetings done right

Throughout this series of virtual workshops, participants apply the principles of The Orderly Conversation® to their own real-life virtual team meetings.

Successful participants will learn to

  • Engage meeting attendees in a comfortable, business-focused conversation
  • Frame the meeting using a simple organizational strategy so that attendees understand the meeting’s (1) purpose, (2) direction, and (3) context
  • Create the conditions for a fruitful exchange of ideas and facilitate the interaction
  • Deliver content effectively in the virtual space
  • Address questions, concerns, and pushback with confidence
  • Manage disengaged, emotional, and hostile attendees
  • Keep the meeting on track
  • Encourage participation while controlling the process
  • Use virtual tools and technology judiciously, including video, for maximum engagement
  • Close the meeting, set appropriate next steps, and assign responsibilities
  • Get the business of the meeting done effectively and efficiently

Additional Post-Workshop Skill-Reinforcement Option

In addition to the skill-reinforcement resources included in eCoach, consider this option:

Manager Support Program: Managers play a critical role in helping employees apply what they learn in class to the situations they face outside of it. To help managers support the learning, we provide guidance for setting expectations prior to the workshop and for providing support after.

Communication Training Yields Business Results

We believe that business communication training must focus on business results: making work easier, employees more successful, workplaces more cooperative, and goals more attainable.

Getting Business Done and Growing Leadership Capability: Everything we do is designed to help people get business done and grow their capabilities. While a particular workshop may focus on a specific business goal—closing a deal, making a decision, learning something new, or gaining alignment—every workshop is designed to help the participants be more comfortable, effective, and confident communicators. When employees communicate more effectively, leadership capability increases and careers advance. This brings positive results to your team and company.