Effective SMEs

How to help subject matter experts facilitate learning

This lunch & learn style speaking engagement is designed for Subject Matter Experts who also have to facilitate learning. It focuses on coaching techniques SMEs can use to be more successful facilitators of adult learning.

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Effective SMEs

How to help subject matter experts facilitate learning

Subject Matter Experts bring a depth of experience, credibility, and relevance to live instructor-led training. Their contributions and institutional knowledge are immeasurable.

Reliance on them in the training room also brings a certain amount of risk because SMEs are not, in most cases, experts in facilitation. It’s our responsibility then, as learning professionals, to do what we can to design learning events to play to their strengths and to coach them to be successful in the training room.

In this session, we’ll discuss ways to improve their likelihood of success. We’ll begin by identifying ways to design learning events specifically for SMEs and end with non-threatening coaching techniques you can use to help them improve their delivery.

Talent Development professionals participating in this session will leave with solid ideas for how to design for and coach SMEs to be more successful facilitators of adult learning, including how to

  • Set expectations with SMEs for how to be TD savvy
  • Design slides and facilitator guides to serve as in-the-moment job aids
  • Set up activities so that they are easy for SMEs to execute
  • Coach SMEs to deliver content and facilitate learning by improving their delivery

Copies of Effective SMEs: A Trainer’s Guide for Helping Subject Matter Experts Facilitate Learning may be included for each attendee.

“An engaging blend of humor and knowledge to help us explore and identify difficulties with SMEs, but also advice on how to address these issues.” Conference Attendee