Coaching Your SMEs to Facilitate Learning

Techniques for improving SME-led training

As a Talent Development Professional, it’s your job to ensure the training your team provides is effective and meaningful for the business. That means ensuring your Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who have been given training responsibilities are provided the skills they need to facilitate adult learning effectively.

This mastery-level interactive workshop for Talent Development Professionals builds the skills necessary for coaching Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to facilitate adult learning. Using participants’ real-life training content, Turpin provides coaching on their training performance and then describes the specific coaching techniques used that can later be applied to coach your SMEs.

All Turpin Workshops are highly customized to your organization's and employees' specific goals
and challenges and can be delivered on-site or virtually.

Experience Level

how to coach smes

Low to High


Duration: 2 days
Maximum Enrollment: 6
Number of Instructors: 2
Location: Client Site

Degree of Coaching

High: personal coaching occurs both in the classroom and in private video review after every in-class exercise

Intended For

Talent Development professionals who prepare Subject Matter Experts to deliver training

Coaching Your SMEs to Facilitate Learning

Techniques for improving SME-led training

Throughout this class, as new techniques are introduced, participants will deliver real-life training content and be coached on their performance. In this way, a second layer of coaching takes place as Turpin trainers explain the coaching techniques that they are using.

Participants in this training for trainers program learn how to coach SMEs to

  • Understand their dual role as experts and as facilitators of learning
  • Engage learners in a productive learning conversation
  • Frame the training with clear expectations and learning objectives so that learners understand why they should participate and how it applies to the work they do
  • Create the conditions for a fruitful exchange of ideas and facilitate the learning process
  • Play to their own strengths
  • Deliver visual aids effectively (even content prepared by others)
  • Be clear and concise
  • Encourage and control discussions
  • Weave personal stories into the training
  • Manage difficult people and situations
  • Set up and debrief learning activities
  • Provide productive learner feedback using the Turpin Communication SORT Coaching Model (Self-assessment, Observation, Recommendation, and Tied back to goal)

how to coach smes

Attendees receive a copy of Effective SMEs: A Trainer’s Guide for Helping Subject Matter Experts Facilitate Learning

Communication Training Yields Business Results

We believe that business communication training must focus on business results: making work easier, employees more successful, workplaces more cooperative, and goals more attainable.

Getting Business Done and Growing Leadership Capability: Everything we do is designed to help people get business done and grow their capabilities. While a particular workshop may focus on a specific business goal—closing a deal, making a decision, learning something new, or gaining alignment—every workshop is designed to help the participants be more comfortable, effective, and confident communicators. When employees communicate more effectively, leadership capability increases and careers advance. This brings positive results to your team and company.

Private Coaching and Video Review: Capturing learners on video as they work on their real-life content, which is followed by private video playback and coaching, is an essential element of this training. It helps workshop participants understand their natural strengths (and weaknesses). As they grow their self-awareness, they can apply what they learn in class to the variety of situations they face outside of it.

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