Virtual Meetings that Work – for Everyone

Inclusive business communication from a distance

This 90-minute webinar provides participants with guidance on nurturing relationships with co-workers
and external stakeholders by leading more effective virtual meetings.

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**This session can be customized to meet your organization’s and team’s specific needs and goals.

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Virtual Meetings that Work – for Everyone

Inclusive business communication from a distance


Remote meetings are here to stay. Questions you once had about using video have likely been replaced by a combination of isolation, frustration, miscommunication, and fatigue. These issues are brought into sharper focus when we look through the lens of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I). How does the virtual environment — and all of its challenges — hinder or help our DE&I goals? What can we do as meeting facilitators and meeting participants to meet these challenges?

These and other issues we face through remote work are addressed in this webinar. We’ll discuss the importance of authenticity, humility, your virtual appearance, inclusiveness, interactivity, and being intentional with your communication in order to

  • Nurture relationships with colleagues, clients, and prospects
  • “Show up” for the people you work with
  • Establish trust
  • Be both engaged and engaging
  • Create the conditions for a fruitful exchange of ideas
  • Be inclusive of everyone in the meeting, even those who choose not to be on video
  • Draw out quiet meeting attendees and value their input

Whether you meet internally with your team or externally with clients, this webinar will provide the insights you need to nurture relationships and move business forward through virtual meetings.

Attendee Feedback

“As a manager, especially in current times, I average 3 vconfs. per day, so this was both timely and incredibly helpful, and I recommended the session to several of my peers. Next step is to have my direct reports attend the next session to help bring my group’s skill set up in this important area. And I keep the Ground Rules for Effective Meetings on my desk top to refer back.” Kevin K.

“This had to be the best webinar I’ve ever attended! The presentation was well thought out and put together, and it was filled with great and useful information. I also appreciate how Greg and Dale “tag-teamed” and either completed or complimented his partner’s point. Dale is a presentation wizard…..the preparation portion of the presentation (changing the name of charts and using bullet points) was a game changer for me. I now realize that the small details can be the most impactful. I’ll definitely be looking out for your upcoming webinars.” Micki P.

“I really enjoyed this presentation. I’ve worked from my home office for the last 15 years, and I never had to be concerned with video conferencing. Well, that changed. I currently have from 5 to 8 video conferences a day. After attending Virtual Meetings that Work, I found so many mistakes or underlying issues when attending or hosting. Thank you. Your presentation was fun and friendly.” Tim N.

“Anytime I can attend a session by Turpin – I’m in! Thoughtful, practical and worth the time!” Kelly K