Business Presentation Skills

The primary purpose of our training for business presenters is to reframe presentations as Orderly Conversations because presentations are more like conversations than they are speeches. However, so many training programs only focus on speechmaking. To complicate things further, our clients often come in with conflicting ideas about slide design, bullet points, and where to stand in relation to the screen. Others worry excessively about being interrupted and the accuracy of their answers.

We help our clients become skilled presenters who engage listeners in a fruitful, productive, efficient, and results-oriented conversation. Each of our workshops is designed to help business communicators succeed in all contexts—standing or seated, face-to-face, virtual, and hybrid.


Build Your Team’s Skills

We offer business presentation workshops for novices to the most experienced presenters and everyone in between.

Presentation Fundamentals

Communication is a fundamental skill, yet many college graduates lack the proper training to meet on-the-job expectations. Our fundamental-level training options lay a solid foundation for novice presenters.

Mastery-Level Presentations

Experience doesn’t necessarily lead to effectiveness when it comes to delivering presentations. Old habits and well-intentioned (but unhelpful) feedback from managers can get in the way of success. Our Mastery Workshops set business presenters on a new path.

Virtual / Hybrid Presentations

Face-to-face, virtual, and hybrid environments often require different skill sets. Our virtual training helps presenters transfer their existing skill sets to the online world.

Skill-Building Workshops

Executive Coaching

Presentation & Webinars

For more courses of interest, view our complete Course Catalogue.

Full Course Catalogue