Business Communication. Untangled.

The Turpin Standard of Communication Training

Our History

Turpin Communication was created in 1992 to provide the best business communication skills training available. We are a team of curious, empathetic realists dedicated to the idea that effective, efficient workday communication is possible for everyone.

We build relationships with clients on a foundation of transparency, trust, responsiveness, and respect. In the training room, we are tireless in our desire to understand the unique challenge each learner faces and find the most straightforward, practical path to improvement.

Our Approach

We redefine Business Presentations as Orderly Conversations ®

Our work with presenters, facilitators, and trainers always begins with a clear definition of the process they are setting out to improve. Here’s how we define a business presentation.


Orderly Conversation

A fundamental form of business communication that takes place between people using spoken words and visual support in a face-to-face or virtual environment. The purpose of such a conversation is to share information, ideas, and recommendations to reach a business goal—mutual understanding or agreement, for example. Such conversations are led by one person or a team whose purpose is to achieve the goal while keeping the interaction efficient and relevant to all, i.e., orderly.

speeches, TED talks, performances

What does this redefinition mean in practice?

Instead of defining success as a “perfect presentation” or “wowing the audience”

Define success as a fruitful, efficient interaction that gets the work of the presentation done.

Instead of preparing by scripting, memorizing, and rehearsing

Prepare by anticipating the conversation you want to have. After gathering the information you’re going to present, frame it for context, clarity, and relevance for listeners.

Instead of creating slides by following the rules of good design

 Create slides that will be useful to you and your listeners.

Instead of delivering your presentation as a performance

 Initiate and manage a genuine conversation.

Instead of treating your slides as a second channel of communication, assuming “they can read”

Bring slides into the conversation. Talk about what they are and what they mean. Tell listeners where they should look and what they should see.

Instead of treating questions and comments from listeners as interruptions to be controlled

 Welcome questions and comments and use them to advance and focus the conversation.

The Orderly Conversation is at the heart of all we do.
Check out our book about it.

Turpin Communication is proud to work with the world’s top brands