Preview the First Chapter of Effective SMEs!

Preview the First Chapter of Effective SMEs!

It’s finally here!

The book that Dale and Greg have been working on is ready for pre-order now, and it is set to ship on November 7!

Effective SMEsEffective SMEs: A Trainer’s Guide for Helping Subject Matter Experts Facilitate Learning” was commissioned by ATD Press after they realized how popular the topic had been at conferences over the past several years. In some cases, Greg had standing-room-only crowds in rooms set for 400 people.

You can pre-order your copy now at the ATD bookstore.

Want to see what it’s all about? Download a sample chapter of Effective SMEs.

The practical recommendations made in the book are based on work Turpin has been doing with certain clients for years. These clients know that SMEs shouldn’t be tasked with delivering training without the proper support. This book explains how to provide support both through instructional design and through coaching.

As the back cover says:

“Don’t plan your next live training event without it.”